Self Care as Ceremony


Self-care rituals are woven into our daily affairs like notes within musical metre; purposeful actions keeping in time with the pulse of nature, setting the tone and flow for how we wish to experience our lives...

Though they may become habitual and patterned, even the simplest and most mundane of rituals—when engaged in mindfully and with intention—have the power to bring us back to our innermost nature.

By connecting with nature and nourishing ourselves often—even in small ways—we can then be so much more for the world. When we begin with care for ourselves, all of the kindness, compassion and love we wish to share with others becomes natural and effortless to give.

I invite you to incorporate more nature and more meditative enjoyment into your most basic self-care rituals as a form of Self Ceremony. Engage with the moment, allow your breath to fill you deeply and get in touch with a sense of gratitude for not only the vast array of plant and mineral allies who so happily support our health, beauty and well-being, but also for the quality of the time you’re giving to yourself.

It is through this process of connecting with nature, reducing the noise, choosing quality over quantity and making time for rest and reflection that we may heal and elevate ourselves, our loved ones and the greater world around us.


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